Devuan bug report logs - #135
reportbug doesn't include a Package header, then complains about no Package header

Package:; Maintainer for is Mark Hindley <>;

Reported by: John Franklin <>

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 18:03:01 UTC

Severity: normal

Tags: ascii

Merged with 92

Done: Mark Hindley <>

Full log

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Subject: bug#135: reportbug doesn't include a Package header, then complains about no Package header
Reply-To: John Franklin <>,
Resent-From: John Franklin <>
Resent-CC: KatolaZ <>
Resent-Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 18:03:01 UTC
Resent-Message-ID: <>
X-Devuan-PR-Message: report 135
X-Devuan-PR-Package: reportbug
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From: John Franklin <>
To: Devuan Bug Tracking System <>
Message-ID: <>
X-Mailer: reportbug 7.1.6+devuan2.1
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 13:40:18 -0400
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.0 required=5.0 tests=RP_MATCHES_RCVD,SPF_PASS
	autolearn=disabled version=3.4.0
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on tupac2
Package: reportbug
Version: 7.1.6+devuan2.1
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

When filing a recent bug against network-manager, reportbug found a list
of possible packages, including "network-manager". In the bug report's
pseudo-header, reportbug put "Source: network-manager", not "Package:

After filling out the rest of the bug report, no errors were noted by
reportbug prior to sending the bug report.  About 20 minutes later, I
received an email saying:

> Your message didn't have a Package: line at the start (in the
> pseudo-header following the real mail header), or didn't have a
> pseudo-header at all.
> This makes it much harder for us to categorise and deal with your
> problem report. Please _resubmit_ your report to
> and tell us which package the report is on. For help, check out

Either reportbug should check for this omission or the Devuan bug
tracker should accept Source: headers as a substitute.

-- Package-specific info:
** Environment settings:

** /home/vmadmin/.reportbugrc:
reportbug_version "7.1.6+devuan2.1"
mode standard
ui text
realname "John Franklin"
email ""

-- System Information:
Distributor ID:	Devuan
Description:	Devuan GNU/Linux 2.0 (ascii)
Release:	2.0
Codename:	ascii

Architecture: x86_64

Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-3-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: sysvinit (via /sbin/init)

Versions of packages reportbug depends on:
ii  apt                1.4.7
ii  python3-reportbug  7.1.6+devuan2.1
pn  python3:any        <none>

reportbug recommends no packages.

Versions of packages reportbug suggests:
pn  claws-mail                               <none>
pn  debconf-utils                            <none>
pn  debsums                                  <none>
pn  dlocate                                  <none>
pn  emacs23-bin-common | emacs24-bin-common  <none>
ii  file                                     1:5.30-1
pn  gir1.2-gtk-3.0                           <none>
pn  gir1.2-vte-2.91                          <none>
ii  gnupg                                    2.1.18-6
ii  postfix [mail-transport-agent]           3.1.4-7
ii  python3-gi                               3.22.0-2
pn  python3-gi-cairo                         <none>
pn  python3-gtkspellcheck                    <none>
pn  python3-urwid                            <none>
ii  xdg-utils                                1.1.1-1

Versions of packages python3-reportbug depends on:
ii  apt                1.4.7
ii  file               1:5.30-1
ii  python3-debian     0.1.30
ii  python3-debianbts  2.6.1
ii  python3-requests   2.12.4-1
pn  python3:any        <none>

python3-reportbug suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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Devuan BTS -- Powered by Debian bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham,
1997,2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-97 Ian Jackson,
2005-2017 Don Armstrong, and many other contributors.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 23:11:29 2024;